اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Success and Failure in life.. Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das



Success and Failure in

Journey of life on earth always filled with success and faliure, ups and down.
It is just like ebbs and flow in a ocean or river
It is just like waxing she waning of moon.
Every rise and fall of oceanic  tide and fall are cyclical  in nature.
For this is the law  of  Nature.

Life on earth moves in a cyclical order.
It teaches us that we should not feel ecstatic in pleasure
And feel depressed in failure.
For,success always follows failure like day   
follows the night.
We must always maintain  eqanimity  to both
And remain as it is, never be affected by sorrows and ecsatic in pleasure
But in no circumstances we should not leave the iob.
We should not stop our effort.
Our effort should always continue to go on.

In life, both are required to make the life sublime.
Both are  required to give a value to life.
Sorrows gives a value to the smile, as night gives to the day.
All opposites  are designed by  the Almighty to make the life balance and joyful

Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das@Copyright.

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