اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The value of determination.. Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi


The flowing water never returns
The passing time never comes
Determination is a positive emotion
Or feeling that leads to achieve success
towards a difficult goal inspite of difficulties.
When things don't go well
We try to fight against the obstacles
Picking up new horizon,
but still seems to be missing something
After all what missing in the life?
Peace, love, happiness and many more.
We don't know how it happens,
But with so many rounds and rounds
We discover our way forward,
And it takes self confidence and determination,
Not to take shortcut and go to a wrong way.
Success is not easy but not impossible,
It takes patience, perseverance and determination.
Inclination show the way of achieving goals.

Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi

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