Consistency.. Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi
We don't read philosophy,
Not because of of stray thoughts.
Because We are not interested
In what we are reading.
We read a detective story or a novel,
Our thoughts don't stray there.
If we are interested
In what we are reading,
It gives us enjoyment
Then we are not disturbed
by any thought.
Naturally we are not interested
In those things, you are
forcing yourself to read them.
When we force ourselves to read
Our minds go off.
If you, from the childhood
are given opportunity to find out
what you are interested in,
then you will have natural,
easy concentration
without any effort to concentrate.
Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi
Not because of of stray thoughts.
Because We are not interested
In what we are reading.
We read a detective story or a novel,
Our thoughts don't stray there.
If we are interested
In what we are reading,
It gives us enjoyment
Then we are not disturbed
by any thought.
Naturally we are not interested
In those things, you are
forcing yourself to read them.
When we force ourselves to read
Our minds go off.
If you, from the childhood
are given opportunity to find out
what you are interested in,
then you will have natural,
easy concentration
without any effort to concentrate.
Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi
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