اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

God's design.. Prof.Dr. Maheswar Das



    God's design

God has created  the world as per his own design.
To make his world beautiful and joyful with all that shines.
In his world every small   thing has a charm of its own.
We should not reject a  thing outrightly because of  smallness of its own.
Everything has a value in the creation of God. We must find out the sacred things even in mud.
As the beautiful lotus  is born of the mud and mire.
So the beautiful things can come from  the ugliest things which we do not care..
In the core of every ugly thing beautiful  things can dwell.
As what we detest to be  the caterpillar of today.
Beautiful buttetfly can there dwell
It is the observer who should see the things in its right perspective
To recognize the  things with its true beauty and perspective.

Prof.Dr. Maheswar Das.@Copyright.

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