اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

INFERNO.. Lhamo Dolma Gurung


Getting down and duty with a procyon lotor,
Got no people skills but he's good with motors,
A tragic sarenade,
With Judas in my stride.

The gothic halls of shame,
When status coldly hold on no worse,
Then the murders I redaim,
From a dark, for sake time.

It burns that burn,
Ravenous on fire,
Colour party and,
Burning burns evil.

I stands up, walking over the mud,
Heads down, hanging so muddy,
Crisscrossing the bridge of thick and thin,
The life without turning back.

Hissing, malcontent,
He stroms the skies on electric discharge,
Pissing in contempt,
On the effigies of the weak.

®️Lhamo Dolma Gurung

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