Togetherness in love… Prof.Dr. Maheswar Das
Togetherness in love
Your exquisite beauty was like a romantic verse.
Your large eyes bore a piercing glance ,that
talks many things
Your walk was enchanting and carrying an aesthetic note
Your red lips were like thousands of red flowers of spring.
All these enticed me and dragged me to your inner core
I was locked in your heart.
Then love filled our heart with ambrosial splendour.
We moved hand in hand in the beautiful country side.
We moved in sea beach, hills,mountains,meadows to celebrate.
The starry sky and moon were our ethereal companion..
We spent inumberable night under the spell of moon and stars.
Then thousands of roses filled the
boquet of love
Life became a
blissful song of joy and pleasure
Years of love life rolled like new leaves in trees.
still the love had kept its spell of radiance
Still millions of stars were the gulding. light of our love
Still the life of togetherness was filled with blissful love.
Prof.Dr. Maheswar Das@Copyright.
Togetherness in love
Your exquisite beauty was like a romantic verse.
Your large eyes bore a piercing glance ,that
talks many things
Your walk was enchanting and carrying an aesthetic note
Your red lips were like thousands of red flowers of spring.
All these enticed me and dragged me to your inner core
I was locked in your heart.
Then love filled our heart with ambrosial splendour.
We moved hand in hand in the beautiful country side.
We moved in sea beach, hills,mountains,meadows to celebrate.
The starry sky and moon were our ethereal companion..
We spent inumberable night under the spell of moon and stars.
Then thousands of roses filled the
boquet of love
Life became a
blissful song of joy and pleasure
Years of love life rolled like new leaves in trees.
still the love had kept its spell of radiance
Still millions of stars were the gulding. light of our love
Still the life of togetherness was filled with blissful love.
Prof.Dr. Maheswar Das@Copyright.
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