اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

NEST… Tyran Prizren Spahiu


... whatever you call me, master or charlatan
dirty bohemian, wanderer
I have betrayed you,  so many times cheated
as night watchman, man without feelings
at midnight winter
I went away  
left you alone in warm bed
thin baby voice in the cradle
followed me all way towards the unknown.
I disappointed you, struck in the sacred
turned confidence into hated punishment
my lady
I do feel weak let me come back
in my only nest, the only source of happiness
I give you my word of honor, me the penitent
revengeful you are not, my blessed nest builder
I feel weak my faithful madam
open your arms
to come back what am I suppose to do?
I' II suffer consequences
or go forever
if you say to leave you alone
I’ II go, and you will never see me again
but please
let me come back to our nest, please !

Tyran Prizren Spahiu
Poetic verses volume
The Bohemian

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