اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

No Physical Relationship.. Dr.Damburudhara Behera


Exploring the body and the body,
not love
 Love is the bond of the soul to the soul
Your actions are not love
 Love is an act of reverence for the soul
 What you say is not love
 Love is a conversation
 Pride in paper making,
 not love
Love is self-respect for a person
Love is not deception, deceit
Love is empathy,
There is no selfishness or condition
Love is sake for love
Not for moreover.
Love is a verb without action
With no reaction
 It is a word
 Not a note pad
 Love is not what you say
 Love is what you do
 Say by the way.
 Dr.Damburudhara Behera

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