اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Oh,Dear... Biswanath Saha


You're so dear to me, I don't mind
What you say,I love you all the
I am neither cunning nor shrewd;
I am  polite and good.
"The fox is cunning''-  an
acknowledged fact.
Man is ever known for his talent and tact!
Oh, dear, you're so dear to my heart
I relish what you say, I am not hurt!
I wish you learn from more to more
To grow to be a complete human
Oh, my Dear,  I'm neither cunning
nor shrewd.
I'm polite and good.
Oh Dear,  cheer you up to be a
worthy  academic and social being
Live the life of joy and love living!
©️ December 5, 2020

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