اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The Isolidated Truth.. Kalikinkar Rath


Have you faced so many times
The isolidated truth the fool always
The only certificate of the society
 Appreciated too to utilise dear
 In place of the IQ-less circumstance
Tries to get easily the easygots.

Too me faced the cheating flowers
Scentless but with beautiful thorns
No bee busy there to collect honey
No butterfly to recognise too
But for me placed on my table
Isolidated one waiting in style.

Scarcity of truth over the ages
Adjusted with the garland of falses
Isolation teaches time management
Even to handshake with the untruths
Somehow passed the bridge of death
My cemented life a voiceless pot.

For the time being the black clouds
Turn to golden patches in the sky
Rain no more no rainbow too
Difficult to prove as time out why
Suicides the truth but never dies
Painful the life to continue the true.

Isolated truth the Voiceless one
Minority in search of own survival
Love affection of the unknown faces
Accidentally meet for the time being
Surprisingly dressed too top here
Literature's head the headless science.

Truth even present in irreachable place
Imaginary looks welcome access
Isolidated anyhow still somebody else
Present with dreams for plus plus plus
Time the great healer stands nearby
Isolidated truth one wins the toss.

             ( Copyright )

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