STOLEN NIGHT.. Refik Martinović
My only one
leave the illusions
let them be alone tonight
in the empty parks of the city
and let them to invoke days
to worship the promised world.
Be mine tonight
Let the Moon ride through your body's restlessness
and let it drow a silver towers
through which thirsty princes proudly walking.
My only one
let's return lost springs tonight
and let the night smell like a longing
let her torrents dive a sorrow
day become tired in a waiting for this night.
Stole me tonight
red kisses
with who we used to
tied Djurdjevdan's wreaths
and with a lust fed
our hungry nights.
My only one
let me forget tonight
dates that died
and to wipe red drops
of tired heart
which are scattered on the bedding of the grass
don't let me stop
writing about you
if you allow that
i will not exist anymore.
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