اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The beauty of the soul.. Selma Kopic


Belly is the only my flaw

these days,

but a smile for Oscar

and a meter and a half in my legs

shut out mouths

to all the wicked witches.

They turns after me

younger and older heads,

and there is one, I swear to God,

who writes poems to me.

So what more

could I wish for!?

Stomak mi je
 Ovih dana
 Al' osmijeh za
 I metar i po u
 Zavežu začas
 Svim zlobnim
 Okreću se za mnom
 I mlađe i starije glave,
 A ima jedan, bogme,
 Koji mi i pjesme piše.
 Pa šta bih mogla
 Poželjeti više!?

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