The lady of women.. Selma Kopic
Is there a way out for me
Is there a way out for me?
Why am I not like other women?
Why with a hot breath
and a wet look
can’t I get
what I’m looking for?
Why can't hot breath
and humid views get
what I'm looking for?
Why half my life is full of pain,
and the other half is one big gap?
Shouldn't it be easy
to live just like that?
Is there a way out for me?
I don't know how to find it,
because I'm not like other women
who will manage easily,
lie somewhere, touch somewhere;
who know where
each of their days leads;
who will recognize and defend
their goal and their dream.
Is there a way out for me,
because something in this skin
is stinging me?
I feel like I’m going to crack,
in my skin, in my house.
Aren't there words, signposts,
to get out of this state?
Where is that hidden path
that will be the salvation
for the dreaming soul?
Ima li izlaza za mene?
Ima li izlaza za mene?
Zašto nisam kao druge žene?
Zašto vrelim dahom
i pogledom vlažnim
ne mogu dobiti ono što tražim?
Zašto života moga pola
puno je bola,
a druga polovina
jedna je velika praznina?
Zar ne bi trebalo biti lako
živjeti samo onako?
Ima li izlaza za mene?
Ja ga ne znam naći
jer nisam kao druge žene
što lako će se snaći,
negdje slagati, negdje taći;
što znaju kud vodi
svaki njihov dan;
što prepoznat će i braniti
svoj cilj i svoj san.
Ima li izlaza za mene
jer nešto me u ovoj koži žulja?
Osjećam da ću pući
u svojoj koži, u svojoj kući.
Zar nema riječi, putokaza,
da izađem iz ovog stanja?
Gdje je ta skrivena staza
što bit će spas
za dušu koja sanja?
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