اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Mirth Of Love.. Lukman Nurudeen


The mirth of love is a soothing proxy
It's even and inviting and cozy
Resonated with a divine exuberance.
From the hardened soul to sublime primacy
It heals wounds with its undying bliss;
Whilst dolor dies then hate and solitariness.
Man and animals and everything that exists
The mirth helps to sanctify their sorrow's presence
As did in auld lang syne to our progenies
Who do understand love and its potency--
Enlighten their strength and strengthen their lowness.
Whoever without the mirth of love has long been in eclipse
Receiving a horrible agita across weary skies.
The mirth of love is a soothing proxy.

Lukman Nurudeen writes

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