اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

BAKLAVA AND HONEY.. Alicia Minjarez Ramírez

© Alicia Minjarez Ramírez
Translated by: Alaric Gutiérrez.

Distant contiguous strokes
Set up the prayers of Anatolia.
Eclectic fragrant spices
Clove, sumac, vanilla and cinnamon
Overflowing cornices.

Gold, silver, apple tea,
Water pipes, almonds and kapuz
Songs of your lineage!
Indigo horizons
Melt the earth
Of mud and jade
In baklava and honey;
Musical odors surround
Nocturnal savannas
In the edge of the days.

Bare fingers
On red-berried mistletoe and oaks
Require the transcending kiss,
Reaching the limits of touch
Bluish declining
Of our belongings.

As affable Sultan
Dressed up with Habiye silk.
Transcribe my dreams
With watercolors of straight lines
To drown the sun within,
In the bowl of my palms.

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