اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

COMMON SKY.. Refik Martinović

Leaning against the silence
without humans
and birds
just a whisper
I don't know
 if it's morning
 or day...

I sit by the window
during the day I collect
 rare dandelions
at night
 the twinkling of the stars that I will gather for you
instead of a bouquet
with rainbow colors
for another spring
when these sadness passes
and the monsters go
...this spring is coming
 to an end
trapped in the cells
and it has not even been born yet....

Down somewhere
under the house
is heard...
in the canopy of cherries
near the old well
an evil timeless bird
 sings with his sorrow
and scares my age
which drip like rain tears
who pour all night
and before dawn
they whisper prayers
and mention two worlds
both without human
    the one ... in the shadows
and memories
and the other...without us
...and we cry together
because they are parting
behar and weak leaves
in times of lethargy
when the birds
 lose the flock
and a common sky.

If I'm gone
 spill your
tears across the river
and send away
 the swollen clouds
to defeat evil spirits
let your wishes
bear my name
and wait  for a new spring
in the smell of meadows
maybe there
will be some wind
to desire human words
and wake up
some new world
with other
wonderful songs
and birds
 that will have their flock
and a common sky.

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