Curtains lowered don't speak.. Selma Kopic
I don't know what to do with myself
I'm not attracted to anything behind
I'm not happy about what's in it
Outside, the world is spinning
Wake up, cirkulate, lie down
Nights and days alternate
There must be some sun somewhere
And the air
I know, I need to get out of my darkness
Maybe something happens
Fortunately, the drawn curtains are silent
They don't evaluate
They don't judge
They show no pity
Mute silence
Nights and days mixed
The music is heard outside
Cars are racing somewhere
Rare steps of passers-by
The phone is silent, the walls are silent
I am silent, the curtains are silent
Excessive noise of these silences
Don't let me sleep
Beyond the curtains
I don't know if it's night or day
Šute zavjese navučene
Ne znam šta ću sa sobom
Ne privlači me ništa što je iza
Ne usrećuje me ni ono što je tu
Vani, vrti se svijet
Budi se, vrvi, liježe
Smjenjuju se noći i dani
Negdje zacijelo ima sunca
I zraka
Znam, trebam izaći iz svog mraka
Možda se nešto dogodi
Srećom, zavjese navučene šute
Ne procjenjuju
Ne osuđuju, ne žale
Nijema tišina
Pomiješale se noći i dani
Svana čuje se muzika
Auta nekud jure
Rijetki koraci prolaznika
Telefon šuti, zidovi šute
Ja šutim, zavjese šute
Prevelika buka tih šutnji
Ne da mi da spavam
S one strane zavjesa
Ne znam da li je noć il' dan
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