Love reigns, baby.. Selma Kopic
If life and death just happen,
there's no reason to do anything !?
Isn't there a reason to love !?
I believe
that love can live
beyond time and space.
Even in memory.
Love reigns, baby.
I would give anything
for another dance with you.
One dance.
One kiss.
Every day
we wanted to feel the breeze.
We talked about big things,
then about small,
then again about big things.
But the most beautiful time with you
was in between.
Did you flatter me?
You have become dear to me.
I could listen to you stretch
for the rest of my life.
Ljubav vlada, dušo.
Ako se život i smrt dešavaju
tek tako,
nema razloga da radimo
bilo šta!?
Zar nema razloga da volimo!?
da ljubav može živjeti
van vremena i prostora.
Čak i u sjećanju.
Ljubav vlada, dušo.
Sve bih dala
za još jedan ples s tobom.
Jedan ples.
Jedan poljubac.
Svaki dan smo htjeli
osjetiti povjetarac.
Razgovarali smo
o krupnim stvarima,
pa o sitnim,
pa opet
o krupnim stvarima.
Ali s tobom je najljepše
bilo vrijeme
između toga.
Dodvorio si mi se?
Omilio si mi.
Mogla sam da te slušam,
kako se protežeš,
do kraja života.
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