اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

MY ICED EYES.. Jigme Jamtsho


Heart yearning to see you
Feels you around, you were there
I look for you, but my eyes were iced

Your scent mesmerizes my mind
Rejoicing with beautiful past memories
I look for you, but my eyes were iced

Your cat walk touches my nerves
Waking my soul from the deep sleep
I look for you, but my eyes were iced

Your breath warms my whole body
With the excitements of your presence 
I look for you, but my eyes were iced

Your mellifluous hair touches my skin
Infatuating your warm tight hug forever
I look for you, but my eyes were iced

Your heart beat throbbing to mingle
Messaged my heart to come closer
I look for you, but my eyes were iced

I prayed to almighty god for the assistance 
Suddenly, alarm waked me up from iced eyes
I look for you, but you were not there.
© Jigme Jamtsho
Ink like Rhythm In Nature
Photo: JJ Photography

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