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آخر الأخبار

"NO WAR...... HUG PEACE.".. khesise lungma



Leadership plays a significant role
Let us make a doll of wisdom mole,
That embarks negative peoples to go away
Let them learn, war is inflecting virus
That can swap away our human preciou's peace.

Let save the war, not with weapons of fires
But with an inspirational guidelines of holy pen,
Let us pave the way of innocent destitute families
Share your wealths, with motivating signs
Lets us grow together, to bring shelter of heavenly peace.

World is filled with oppulance of Peace and War
Let us bid farewell to all sorts of war ,
Embrace peace with kindfull gestures
Let world know, there lives a man
Who holds the pen to enlighten human greedy minds.

War  arises ,because of misunderstanding
Let us all bear pains for sake of peace,
A change starts from single you 
Rest well follow as per will of universe
Peace is absolutely beautiful, let us stop cunning war .

Copyright @ khesise lungma

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