اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

I'm stealing your sighs.. Ljiljana Dobra


You talk like a bird ...
all ferns breathe on the bosom,
for harvested them with the breath of your eyebrows.
From the forest of starry leaves
I feel:
You walk on the wind hair .
I steal your sighs
with flutters desires
I folding in the
dewy haystack of
lives lyrics.
You don't know how you got hurt me;
the echo of your step
I'm closing at the dream.
You sleep in me
until the cruel morning.

Ljiljana Dobra

Govoriš kao ptica...
u nedrima dišu sve paprati
što ih pobra dahom obrva svojih.
Iz gajeva, iz šuma zvezdolisnih
Koračaš po vlasju vetra.
Kradem ti uzdahe
željama lepršavim
i slažem u  rosne stogove
živih stihova.
Ne znajući kako boliš,
eho tvog koraka
zatvaram u san.
Spavaš u meni
do svirepog jutra.

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