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My Peace I Give Unto You…May Peace Be With You!.. Dr. Joseph S. Spence Sr

Greetings, my dear brothers and sisters, I was nominated by My dear sister, Peace Ambassador Dr. Stella Theresa Luna, Quezon City, Philippines, and my dear brother, Samir Pal, teacher, poet, social thinker, social democrat, blogger, and humanist, from Naxalbari, West Bengal, India, to participate in an international poetry marathon.  As a result, I will post eight poems, one each day, and also nominate eight poets to participate in the poetry marathon, one each day, when I post my poems.

I will write a series of Cento Spiritual Poems for eight days.

The poems in the program will be translated from English and printed on the Russian calendar.

Today is Saturday, September 19, 2020, Saint Januarius's Day, or The Feast of San Gennaro. Let's rejoice in it and be exceedingly glad for his service to God and the people. My sixth poem, submitted into the international poetry marathon for translation and posting on the Russian calendar, reflects on God's grace of Christ taking the Cross then the Crown.

I now nominate my dearly beloved sister of God's inspirational grace and uplifting words, Poetess, Caroline Laurent Turunc, from Paris, France. She has written over 2,500 poems and published in various anthologies. She feeds from two different geographies where she lives at different times. She is a poetess who has absorbed both Western and Eastern cultures very well and has merged the two in the same pot with her poems. Blessings to you always, my dear sister of God's inspirational grace and majesty!

My Peace I Give Unto You…May Peace Be With You!..         

The victory of light over darkness, and good over evil came with Diwali
People refusing to live in a sinful and desperate valley.
God said, "My Peace I give onto you…not as the world gives….
Christ's first words after the resurrection to His disciple are—"Peace be with you!"

Attorney Mahatma "Bapu" Gandhi, Father of India, states,
"It's my conviction that nothing endures can be built on violence."
The lack of peaceful existence leaves many minds in negative relent.
Since we are justified by faith, we must live in peace and without hate.
"My Peace I Give Unto You…May Peace Be With You!"

That which surpasses all understand and guard your mind is—"Peace!"
Blessed are they, the sons of God—The Peacemakers!
We must sow the harvest of righteousness for humanity in peace.
God's light given to those in darkness guides their feet in the way of peace.
"My Peace I Give Unto You…May Peace Be With You!"

Attorney Nelson Mandela suffered in the dungeons of darkness
Never proliferates vengeance against wickedness—called for righteousness.
He pursued mutual upbuilding and proliferation of God's peace
Sowed the harvest of righteousness in peace, love, and faith to make peace.
"My Peace I Give Unto You…May Peace Be With You!"

Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr says, "Darkness is driven out by light."
Differences must be solved through peace—"Make it right!"
The Peaceful, Non-Violent Trilogy of God's Grace—take it to higher heights
Like Christ, Dr. King, Attorneys Gandhi, and Mandela showed peace day and night!
Just as the non-violent path of light from the crucifixion to the resurrection.
"My Peace I Give Unto You…May Peace Be With You!"

© Dr. Joseph S. Spence Sr (USA) Epulaeryu Master!

"The higher reality of consciousness enhances peace, love, harmony, and happiness in our hearts with actions we connectively accomplished through faith."
– His Excellency, Ambassador, Honorable, Professor, Dr. Joseph S. Spence Sr. USA (Epulaeryu Master)!

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