The Eyes Of Heaven.. Lomas Kumar Bhatt
Me & my spirit alone,
Wandering on the street of,
No man's land in between,
The Eyes Of Heaven & crematory,
Endless path of cemetery of silence,
My known way since immemorial,
My tired heart took rest,
On this rocky way of silence,
Sudden droplets appeared,
On the wings of white cloud,
Stay over on my shadow a while,
Droplets humming in my ear,
She waiting in Her Princess House,
She needed your pity your lost desires,
To make a Stone-bed to rest for a while,
Now I realized why saddened my heart,
I just run towards the cave,
That's a Princess House,
At foothill's adytum in Mountain-high,
Oh! What I'm seeing,
She recklessly laying on Her throne,
Oh no...she tired & all most sleepy,
Why you day & night,
Feeding this universe,
With your two Mountain-breast,
Filled with nectar and milk,
My eyes filled with tears,
Whole being torn in to pieces
I hold her in my both arms,
My chest covered her face,
With beating griefs,
I sit on the rocky floor,
With holding her body in my lap,
Her heart beating slow,
I lost my whole,
Her eyes is closed,
No motion at all,
Sudden Her face been blushing,
Shy hands acrossing me slowly,
Slowly she loosing Her sense,
Though Her dry lips smiling
Smiling with whole existence,
Went in to deep slumber,
With smile,
Secrets hold!
@Lomas Kumar Bhatt.
All Rights Reserved.
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