اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Treasure of Mind.. khesise lungma


A desire to learn and grow
Will surely make you old with bold,
If you are bold enough to stand as told
You would definitely find gold
Inside you that can be neither be sold.

Right opportunity on right time
Will appear when you learn to appreciate your mind,
No matter how young or old you are
Learning never gets old and torn apart
Beside love,  conquering your mind is greatest part.

Jealousy is ragging tiger
Out of anger, it will tear yourself in danger,
Let stop tagging one another with dagger
Use your wisdom pen to shed light on cold
As you start, keep guard on every doors of opening bolts.

The world is changing very fast
Grab hold of your best writing wisdom bard,
We will never know, how long our gifts will integrate
But one must remember, never let your pen disintegrate,
As you learn, must be burn within your mind to celebrate.

Copyright @khesise lungma

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