اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

PARTIAL LOVE.. Amb Maid Čorbić

Long ago, people stopped loving others around them
And what is it worth to fall in love with someone's eyes
When no one will recognize them anymore
Humans remained still stone creatures rolling
All for little use as always

One thing is done behind the back, but another is said
You can’t fix some things just so easily
Years pass for love to fly again
It fluttered its wings, made a croaking noise and dropped dead like a phoenix
Because she also wants to be free, eager for partial love

Benefit is more important to everyone today than anything
It is unfortunate that everything that is done is because of the bed
The more you give of yourself, the more you get lost in the sea
Because nothing is holier than what we give away
Someone else to try to understand us
As we are, ordinary people

There is no measure that can take us anywhere
Love is a vicious circle that is given a lot
And we do everything more than necessary
We cry in tears because we are used to pain
And we cannot learn to love ourselves

Certainly, love is everything that gives birth and cultivates
One should not give much of oneself to others today
Because by giving ourselves we lose part of our mind map
Joy is greater when we have a reason to live
And if we weren't just another stupid one
Partial love.

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