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Sonnet-Oh God ! I Am Visionless.. Dusmanta Choudhury


Knew not why?thou hath sent me here
Behind each creation, there is a reason
Do tell me God? as I am Visionless for ever
Do I accomplish? as you have entrusted upon

I offer my action, thought and words at thy feet
Vacillation of thought like cloud in the sky
Whacked as I am and wind-swept to meet
Yearn to view where my weeny tiny act lie

As mutable as time, the state is in menace
How can I stand up for when made stand aside
How can I put back to look over as an ass
To taste the verity of my birth, none can deride

I beseech thee, Oh eternity, whisper to me
Behind all earthly roles, what the reason can be

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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