LIFE'S JOURNEY.. Monalisa Parida
We are the guests for an unknown period on this earth.
Life is not always kind for us,
It's like a potholed road.
In the days of harrowing storm,
When the winds won't calm down,
Plant the seed of faith within your heart,
Profoundly into your life,
Assiduously into your belief.
A day will come, you will reign in the sky,
And will sparkle like diamonds.
Every night your wishes come true,
And you will become a real star and a jewel forever.
Life is not always kind for us,
It's like a potholed road.
In the days of harrowing storm,
When the winds won't calm down,
Plant the seed of faith within your heart,
Profoundly into your life,
Assiduously into your belief.
A day will come, you will reign in the sky,
And will sparkle like diamonds.
Every night your wishes come true,
And you will become a real star and a jewel forever.
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