اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

NICE PEOPLE .. Tyran Prizren Spahiu


Listen to the voice of hope
beings embraced by echoes
carrying on the shoulders
the nobility of mankind
your brilliant feathers can shine
raise the curtain of ignorance
say goodbye to racism.
remove the brotherly partition
arrest religious quarrels
dear creatures, YOU, good people
you do have sense of merit
grace dominates at you, the ability of guidance
aspiration, desire, ambition, purpose, dream, faith
you are breath that newborns nature
Noble, Aristocrat of Kindness
Master of the Future, Poet/ess
your letters enjoy respect
paintings will survive the time
uninterrupted memory will accompany you
you're a court, the final verdict
let us climb to the path of prosperity
at you, spiritual goods enrich your chest
poems are convinced to you
YOU, the elevated layers of attendance ....

Tyran Prizren Spahiu
all rights reserved
The Bohemian

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