اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Refugees.. Kr. Chamling


All, they are you and I, us- within us in obligation fleeing
away from their motherland, earned the status of
refugee; the word is discriminated, dehumanized,
diminutized, hated among people, society and countries,
one within one’s country have become refugee... and for
material search of greed for necessities... and the obligation-

Asylum seekers desperately seeking safe shelters
crossing the border wired walls, trespassers
in incognito to in the stepmother land’s laps, the would-be
mother land- a motherland for getting companion,
compassion of platonic love to infuse humbleness of
humaneness and humanity in and to faces smiling seeking

In heart heavy convulsion as they are obligatorily separated
souls with the lands, nationalism, loved ones from their
countries, are innocent but extrovert with the mind, the beauty of
creativity; dreams of a simple square meal of life; hands
craftsmanship; legs always invading to scarcities and escalating
violence with Karma of good deeds and fate written with the inks

of honesty, harmony, peace, and perseverance until the sun shines
on this landscape call, one for the celebration of one’s dusky
evening, and they are hoping our ‘hellos’ and ‘hi’ yet, they are
hungry... thirsty but not beggars; lone, lonely, and alien but not
extraterrestrial bodies;  traumatized, sick but not insane, and not
brute but builders of good- refugees morning stars in daylight lands...

Copyright Reserved @ Kr. Chamling
From: The land of Gautama Buddha & Mt. Everest, the
Republic of Nepal
20 June 2021

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