اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Save The Last Dance.. Marivic Nemi


The world need thy glance
for another chance
to save one last

Folk in every nook
need thy kindness
as  eradicating  
evilness .

The time need your significance
to borrow even in a moment
for the minute of

Everyone need thy alacrity
with the  cheerfulness
 in the sense of

Mankind need thy beauty and motions
to fortify among the nation
when  the realform
full of subterfuge.,

A friend like thee need by
virtual fellowshipping
for the unfaded

Somebody out there need thy footstep
without two left feet in order to avert
stepping out of the line
to strut thy stuff
while dancing
on the street .

©Marivic Nemi

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