اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The Flowery Morning.. Dusmanta Choudhury


No, it is not the rising sun
A heap of red roses, on hill,shown
To welcome the morning Queen
The eastern horizon is all to preen

The birds are singing sweet lyrics
The nature is figured all aesthetics
Cool breeze has spread a fragrance
Zephyr is flowing with its briliance

Stars look dim and about to vanish
As if to them, one is to admonish
The crunch is blown & bell is rung
Hymns of the Veda in temple sung

Colours of flowers begin to bloom
To cover the dress for her costume
All get life vim with her coming
Showing life seeds much ravishing

Past is gone with anguish run
As if all have lost the precognition
Land seems plausible, so does sky
Beneath, lives all, ever divinely lie

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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