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آخر الأخبار

You will be the most beautiful.. Refik Martinovic


Tonight the silences call me
to draw you with spring in my eyes
and with the scent of flowers in the loins
to be blusher than a rose
and bluer than ripe plums
with the smiles of lightening
which will radiate as it once did.

Years galloping away, my dear
I want to have you tonight
 even though I don't have you
framed in my poems
as nostalgia tightens more and more
and the nights tremble with fever
the frightened moon is playing with the stars
which drunks tremble tonight.

You will be the most beautiful in my pictures
which I give you with a vow
and if you didn't love me
you throw them down the river
and bury memories
in the past without the traces
so they would not be found by hunters of love.

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