اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Everything will pass… Selma Kopic


You silently observe  
how everything falls apart,
how secrets are revealed
and everything in your life
an open book.
And you would like to escape.
Distances entice you,
clear mornings and moonlights ...
Someone is calling you!
He appears in a dream
and attracts you with a smile.
Awakened, you realize
that everything will pass.
You stand  buried
while rubbing your eyes.

Sve će proći

Nijemo posmatraš
kako se sve ruši,
kako otkrivaju se tajne
i sve u životu tvom
otvorena knjiga postaje.
I pobjeć bi htio.
Vuku te daljine,
bistra jutra
i mjesečine...
Neko te zove!
U snu se javlja
i osmijehom mami.
Probuđen shvataš
da sve će proći.
Ukopan stojiš
dok trljaš oči.

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