Fondest Pledge She Takes.. Dusmanta Choudhury
Affection's fondest pledge she too takes
In her heart's court,as sleeping love wakes
Solemnly before her lips begin to tremble
Her loving eyes speak the words in symbol
Attempts she many a time to open the door
Of her loving heart, but eastern rain does pour
Light and dark, both play hide and seek
As if her thought is wrapped with a mystique
The smiles and tears, from far whisper
That nor tongue can tell what in heart store
The lives will go and lives come along
But her feelings will remain ever long
It is not her feeling but a large kingdom
Where she reigns but beats not her drum
Sometimes her lips in holi silence sealed
How the broken heart, she thinks, is healed
Why feels her heart, thought of the thoughts
Why thinks her mind,the heart of the hearts
Lost in a divine gesture of unwilling flame
Armed with eternal bliss,for me to acclaim
Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury
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