اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

THE POINT.. Dasharath Naik


The point now sidles up to me
Holds my hand in full agog
Asking me if I am who I am
And I do stand speechless .
My existence I find nowhere
My bosom slips from my ‘self’
My spirit undaunted gives in
Before I hold my head erect.
The mirror fails to reflect
My shattered images grim
Greeting me with a smile
And I laugh at my cowardice.
The illusion of relationships
Like pearly dew drops on grass
Shines and dazzles in its aura
And I have a hearty appetite.
The images madly chase me
Trying to capture my glimpse
My time blushes like a bride
And the point exists taking pride .

©®Dasharath Naik

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