When Time Goes Insane.. Nirmal bhattacharya
Let me live in this roadside shack
in isolation and peace.
Far away from my money-driven friends
with a venomous snake's
playful hiss.
Let me live on dead stars' light
and draw in silvery silence
I will be here to see and feel
the big bang's first moment of delight.
Am I a crazy?
Ask the machine in your head.
The answer slot, if found fused
Know, unaware of you it's gone unmade.
No water to drink no bread to digest
Let me live this unreal.
From my navel will emerge a novel
with a world of pigmies to infest.
©️ 2021
in isolation and peace.
Far away from my money-driven friends
with a venomous snake's
playful hiss.
Let me live on dead stars' light
and draw in silvery silence
I will be here to see and feel
the big bang's first moment of delight.
Am I a crazy?
Ask the machine in your head.
The answer slot, if found fused
Know, unaware of you it's gone unmade.
No water to drink no bread to digest
Let me live this unreal.
From my navel will emerge a novel
with a world of pigmies to infest.
©️ 2021
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