اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

WIND LANGUAGE.. Alicia Minjarez Ramírez


Translation: Alaric Gutiérrez.

You speak the wind language,
Preserving words of a tongue
Immerse among the stones
Of streams.

Your lips rewrite
The water flows,
Of dawns lost
In Schuaima.

Sweet Aniquirona
Fairy - sorcerer
Seduces your senses.
Listening among the rubble
The words of Gods.
Your footsteps walk through
Dusty roads,
Herb moisture claims
The ancient words
With luminous dialect,
Thundering the daily stage.

Your name shines
Below your eyes,
Above the rocks.
Far beyond the flesh!

Cicadas fertilizing summer.
Locking time within
The voices on the road.
Under cedars and mangoes,
Lush shade populated
By blackbirds.

You get up surrounded by
Mockingbird’s echoes,
Noise bursts
In the rock’s song,
Across the threshold
Of the mythical bridge
That connects earth.
There the birds recall
Rainbows in the sky.

I barely know your name,
The moon whispered it to me.
At the beginning of language…
In your rivers’ cascades.

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