اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Take A Stand For Our Love .. Dr.Okram Shakuntala


I found you
whom I needed
At every moment in my life
Now I got you
who do always value me
When it feels like the weight of feather will live you

Take shelter in your heart
Where the light of your love
Is made up of depth even the ocean can't fathom
Always remember that you are my shining star in the blue sky
Thare is always a glimmer in
I have been through the dark

The things that I become your love
Trust me, I am not going anywhere
The words I needed to hear during the desperate moments
That lunch ships towards healing shores
Birth horizons of a distance hope to reach near you

I follow the natural paths of life and strong enough to go for future life
Meet me at ocean edge where the water merge into the sky
There are no endings in sight,
Endless blending we two
I survived because the fire inside me burne brighter than fire

Beloved, we do always get the chance to repair the things, love entirely
I can see what other can not with my eyes that you feel the pain of millions suns
In my mind resided the faintest memory of our love
You pulled that vision through my eyes

But, there is a heart of gold at the end of our wayfarer
I became to fixed in my beliefs that I open my mind and heart
Open my eyes and my ears to learning ou relation
I never disgraced the suffering of other,it dosen't fit within my comfort zone
Believed my pain,fell that I value,matter and take a stand for our "Love"

Copyright @Dr.Okram Shakuntala

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