اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Selfless man.. Prof Dr.Maheswar Das



       Selfless Man

A selfless  man stands for selfless love for others.
Selfless man loves and gives whatever he has to others without hope of  any reward
A love which gives only,never takes
He gives his whole life for service of  others ,for there is Immense pleasure in giving than taking.

He is like a light that gives light to the wretched
and dispel the darkness of others.
He looks others  pain as his own pain.
He serves and sacrifices everything for benefit of others.
His  whole life becomes an epitome of love and sacrifice.
He extends his love to one  and all.
He is adored, revered and respected  by all in the society.

Prof Dr.Maheswar Das @Copyright

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