اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

What is Love.. Selma Kopic

Balm and wound, hunger and food,
sin and forgiveness, laughter and tears ...
For love's sake we crawl, sink, complain about life,
we fly high, we fall low ...
we suffer for it, we hope for it.
In fact, there are lot of kinds of love!
I know:
the one - which quickly breaks down,
the other - which evaporates instantly,
the third - which is easily broken,
like many other fragile things,
the fourth - which looks like old soles,
the fifth - which goes and returns,
the sixth - which is waiting or being sought,
and at the end it comes by itself,
the seventh - which comes and goes in the blink of an eye,
eighth - which likes to cheat,
the ninth - which will take, but will not give,
the tenth - which keeps on low heat for a long time,
eleventh - which doesn't last, but burn,
sweet twelveth - which is never enough,
thirteenth - which comes after a long fast,
fourteenth, fifteenth, one hundredth ...
And all of them are just an exercise for the one and only in life.
The one which, even if it wants to, can't go anywhere,
once it's tucked under the skin.
The one which gets there, to be close to the beating heart.
And it won't move,
and poor is everyone, and happy is everyone,
who was hit by it, who was at least touched with it.


Melem i rana, glad i hrana,
oprost i grijeh, suze i smijeh...
Zbog ljubavi: pužemo, tonemo, na život se jadamo,
visoko letimo, nisko padamo...
Zbog nje stradamo, njoj se nadamo.
Ljubavi raznih ima ustvari!
jednu - koja se brzo kvari,
drugu - koja začas ispari,
treću - koja lako puca
kao i mnoge druge lomljive stvari,
četvrtu - koja se izliže kao đonovi stari,
petu - koja ode pa se vrati,
šestu - koja se čeka ili traži, a na kraju sama dođe,
sedmu - koja dok trepneš bude i prođe,
osmu - koja voli varati,
devetu - koja će uzeti, a neće dati,
desetu - koja dugo na vatri tihoj drži,
jedanaestu - koja ne drži, al' sprži,
slatku dvanaestu - koje nikad dosta,
trinaestu - koja dođe nakon duga posta,
četrnaestu, petnaestu, stotu...
A sve su one samo vježba za onu jednu u životu.
Onu - koja i da hoće- nikud ne može
kad jednom se zavuče ispod kože.
Onu - koja se tu zavuče
da bude blizu srcu koje tuče.
Pa neće da makne,
i jadan je onaj, i sretan je onaj
koga dotuče, koga makar dotakne.


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