اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

SWEET SPRING.. Lovelyn Eyo


Spring so full of zest
Springs new hopes answering life's quest
When seems so cold
Everything on hold goes-a-hiding
Sweet spring comes gliding
Shedding away the dreaded cold
When seems dead
Sweet Spring takes the lead
With her arms swiftly reviving
Snowy covers she flings
Melting away every stagnancy
And beneath the icy clouds revealing
A new life scenery
As winter sips its last breath
Sweet Spring sings
A song of warmth
A song of joy and love
A song of zest and rebirth
Turning the silence into bubbling symphony
Then the dew returns slow-dancing
On the fields
Sepals opening
Petals blooming
Trees flaunting
Their evergreen kids scintillatingly
The light ball takes a shot of longer light
As the dark takes off shoes in flight
The blue sky returns happy
Its heart no more frozen
The flowers take up
Their best garments
Mother earth dressed up
In the garments of renewed life
We bask preened up
in the garments of comfort and freedom
Celebrating the feast of-
Saving Sweet Spring

(c)Lovelyn Eyo

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