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The Love Will Be Crowned.. Dusmanta Choudhury


Heard love is sweet, but this unheard
Is the sweetest, so keep on loving
Made love is beautiful, but the unmade
Is the most beautiful, so go on leading

The love beyond the five senses is the best
As it is heartfelt and dealing with the soul
The divine art is more happy happy crest
As all earthly loves are sublunary thus trifle

Yet, are forbidden, for the noble, abysmal
Unfolding the high sorrowful and miniature
Beyond human perception, beyond relation all
Since time immemorial,worshiped for ever

Vacillating in mind, a golden tuft of emotions
Dwelling in a utopian dream laden land
Love is a turquoise, if loved as destined notions
O, for a blissful notion, the love will be crowned

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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