اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Rule Of Thumb.. Marivic Nemi


                     apparent structure
                       of rock ordination.,
                      From a communion
                       of mind with mind!
                              Put across
                          cozy negotiations
                           human to human .,
                             Save the day!
                          in disappearance
                     of skeleton  in the closet
                  when tissue of lies revolved.,
                             Toe the line,
                            rule of thumb
             it's not all about pat on the back.,
                          Bring out more
                  lusters of blossoming petals.,
                           Take a picture
              of sun and rain in deep water.,
             See the bud in heart of matter.
                   Conjoint in life content
             for monotone earthian desire.,
                             Pure heart
                            never wither
                    till the age of hoariness.,
                           Don't dismiss
                     knack for gratification
                    it is a pleasure to behold.,
                     Concoct  mixture of
               fertilizer in branches to propagate
                       better  tranquilizer.,
                               So as,
                 the unit of heaviness
               into the root of wellbeing
                    move stationary
               even  season changes   

                       ©Marivic Nemi

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